We are honored and happy to hold the tenth meeting of our congress organized and held by ORP Consulting and Organization in istanbul. We are also excited to meet you with the scientific papers on occupational safety and security, employee health and environment. We will generate solution offers for these problems through the participation of scientists from many disciplines and fields and share these solution offers with public sector and NGOs. We hope that our congress will be a fruitful gathering for all participants, academic and scientific world. We would like to thank and all participants, supporters and audiences and wish you the best until meeting in the congress. Regards.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakký ALMA

Iðdýr University Rector - Turkey

Congress Honorary Chairman


Prof. Dr. Ayhan ONAT

Marmara University

Faculty of Technology - Turkey

Congress Chair




Prof. Dr. Mohammad ISRAR

Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (President) - Nigeria

Congress Co-Chair